How to Maximize Your Private Placement Leads

Once you have purchased private placement leads it is important to maximize them and to start closing deals. Reaching accredited investors is an important step in promoting your private offering. More money is raised through private offerings than on the stock market every year. Your company can benefit from this, as long as you are able to reach investors and inform them of what you have to offer.

The first step is to make sure that you are buying a qualified lead list. Working with a reputable lead broker, like is important. Your private placement leads can be narrowed down by geographic area and demographic data to ensure that you are targeting people that are the most likely to want to invest in your particular offering.

With a lead list in hand, create a strategy for how you will close the deal. Reaching prospects is not enough. You must take them through the process, capture their interest, and walk them through closing. This is a key that many salespeople and business owners miss – you have to close the deal.

Here are some things to consider when working your private placement leads:

  • Create a value proposition. What value are you offering to the investor? They can put money into a million different deals so what benefit do they receive from working with you? Be as specific as possible and use compelling language.
  • Make it special. People are motivated to act more quickly if they feel they are getting something special or unique for their involvement. Consider how you can reward someone for getting in on the ground floor or investing early. Speak with your securities attorney about the best way to structure this.
  • Gather market data. Your sales strategy should include sending an investor information on how amazing the market is for your particular offering. This can be articles that were recently published in the newspaper, industries studies, professional opinions and more. Provide them with data that backs up your claims so that they can feel comfortable about investing.
  • Listen. When you get an investor on the phone, ask questions and listen for queues. It is important that you hear the emotion behind the words that they are saying. This is key for being able to sell the benefits of your investment in terms that will directly impact them.
  • Follow up. Whatever you do, don’t forget to follow up. When someone is interested enough to listen to what you have to say and request more information, make sure you follow up in a timely fashion so that you can close the deal. This part of the process cannot be postponed; otherwise they may lose interest.

When working your private placement leads, know where every prospect is in the process. You should be able to look up a name and read notes about what you have discussed, what they have been sent, what they have been offered and any additional information. Read your notes before making your follow up calls so that you can be as personable as possible. Stay focused, and you will increase your success.

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