Hi! My name is John Fischer, welcome to accreditedinvestorleads.com, this is my producer Romeo. I want to talk about private placement investor leads. You know we’ve been in business 28 years, we have an A+ rating, I’m an ex commodity broker, ex broker, I mean I know what I’m doing, and I have had plenty of firms and I have work leads for plenty of firms and when it comes to private placement investor leads, that’s what we sell. We sell accredited investors, what’s an accredited investor.
An accredited investor is someone that makes 200,000 a year for the last two years, million net worth not including his home, experienced in managing his personal portfolio, liquid 25 to $50,000 and they have received a private placement memorandum. So private placement investors would be 506, 504, 505, the 506(c) and the one that just came out, and they absolutely require accredited investors.
So, when you go to google and you punch in private placement investors leads, it may not be enough, you have to punch in that accredited word, otherwise you may get sold some leads that just won’t qualify.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me johnfischer@salesleads.tv, your private placement investor lead source, have a beautiful day and God bless.
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