Oil and Gas Leads

Hi, everybody. John Fischer. Welcome to https://accreditedinvestorleads.com.  What are oil and gas leads? An oil and gas lead is a name, address and a phone number who’s looking for information on an oil and gas venture. Now, be careful. Cause if you don’t point out the word ‘accredited’, and you’re doing a private placement, you’re gonna have a problem. ‘Oil and gas leads’ is not good enough. You need to have an accredited investor, or an accredited oil and gas lead.

So make sure you understand that- that when you’re looking for those types of leads, and you’re doing a private placement, some kind of a venture, whether it’s for secondary recovery, or whatever, and you’re doing a private-placement, they must be an accredited investor. ‘Oil and gas leads’ is not specific enough, does not mention the word ‘accredited’. There are things like participation deals where the guy doesn’t have to be accredited.

So, to say you might get investor leads or investor lists. Investor leads? Hey, you know what? He may be doing an IPO or may be doing a five or ten thousand dollar oil & gas deal. Excuse me, stock deal. But the word ‘accredited’ brings you to the next level. And that’s what we do here. We deal with nothing but accredited investors. They have at least twenty-five to fifty thousand dollars. They are accredited. They make at least two hundred thousand dollars a year. They have at least a million net-worth, not including their home, experience in managing their personal portfolio.

So remember, ‘oil and gas leads’? Yes, we have ‘em. It’s a pretty general statement, but specifically, you should ask for ‘accredited oil and gas investor/leads/lead (singular)/ lists (plural)/list (singular). I hope I answered your question. If you have any, call me. John Fischer: 561-239-0364. http://AccreditedInvestorLeads.com

oil and gas rig day

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