Accredited Investor Lists

Hi, everybody. My name is John Fischer. Welcome to

Let’s talk about accredited investor lists

Ok, so what’s accredited? Accredited is 200,000 income last two years, or 300,000 combined, a million net worth, not including their home, experience in managing their personal portfolio. We take it a step further. The people that we buy the leads from are broker-dealers. These are the people that they have mailed private placement memorandums to. So there’s a system that they do before they mail somebody a private placement. That’s why we love these leads. You guys are getting 20/ $30 leads for a dollar! I mean, it’s ridiculous. They’re given the definition of an accredited investor. The guys says yes. They ask him, ‘Is 25 to $50,000 a comfortable entry level?’ The guy says yes. Is it risk capital? The guy says yes. And then they mail them a private placement memorandum. So, you may say to yourself, why would I wanna buy someone’s paper that they mailed a private placement and they didn’t buy? First of all, oil-and-gas has been the worst as far as prices go lately. It’s tough to sell a market that goes up 25¢ and then comes slamming back down again. It’s just very, very tough to sell those markets. Oil has been really—I mean, I dunno where it’s at today, but I’ll tell ya, 30/ $40 oil is not easy to sell. Considering it used to be in the 80s, 90s and a hundred, you know. So, the beautiful thing, not so much my oil-and-gas guys is they became professional survey-takers, and they had to be super, super, super good to close people to buy oil at that kinda price. So all that paper we have that’s oil-and-gas, they busted their butts to qualify ‘em, and you get to buy ‘em for a dollar apiece.

Now, we do a twenty-five hundred dollar package for a 4/ 5 man operation- 625 times 4 different files. Each file has its own characteristics. Some rooms have dynamite qualifiers. Some rooms have great closers and the qualifiers aren’t that good. And when you put ‘em on the floor one at a time, you’ll see your boys will come back and say, ‘Hey, this is a good file, man. How many more of these does he have?’ ‘Hey, this is so so.’ Once in a blue moon, ‘Wow, these are real terrible. We called them all, and I’m telling you right now, they’re not really good.’ You call me back, ‘Hey, John. Here’s the score: we do like these; these are decent, but this one particular file sucked. And you said to me if something was really bad, you’d replace it. Replace this one like you said you would, and then let’s talk about buying some more next week.’ That’s how most of my conversations go. But usually, that bad file will last one, maybe two times and then I’m convinced it’s time to take it off line. Now, twenty-five hundred. You get 625 times 4. There’s your twenty-five hundred dollars. And now you get for free, for every thousand you spend, a hundred Big Dogs.

The Big Dogs are not just accredited; they’re qualified accredited. Quarter million minimum, five million in invest-able assets, comes from one of the biggest oil-and-gas guys in the country, strictly business to business, CEO’s and owners of businesses. And I’m telling you right now, if you go to the middle of the page and read the testimonials, you’ll see; don’t take my word for it. And the diverse deals, I mean, anything from art to hedge funds to stock, anything, the Big Dogs are dynamite.

If you have any questions at all, and you’re looking for accredited investor lists, gimme a call. 561-981-8777. Have a beautiful day, and God bless.

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