Private Coin Buyers

Hi, everybody, my name is John Fisher welcome to We also sell coin leads here and if you’re looking for private coin buyers, we have an extensive file maybe 300,000 of numismatic coin buyers. They’re 50 cents a piece 2,000 minimum.

When it comes to numismatic coin buyers I only buy clients, I don’t buy anyone that requested information they all bought coins that’s the only way I’ll buy a numismatic coin buyer Client List, and 99% of the time they’re out of business. I have legally bought them from you and I have the actual receipt email from the guy it’s not smart to buy leads from an existing firm. That’s their proprietary information and yeah we got to be real careful with that.

A pile of gold coins.

The lead business has a lot of gray lines we do the best we can to stay black and white so uh you know many times a lot of people call us up and say hey you want to buy this list and it turns out to be The Client List of one of our clients no thanks. You have to be really careful.

Again if you’re looking for private coin buyers we definitely got them at or call us at 561-239-0364 have a beautiful day and God bless.
